Develop a parks and recreation plan to take inventory of existing assets such as facilities, activities, and programs.
In the parks and recreation plan, curate a list of safety and accessibility concerns as well as opportunities and needs for each facility.
Incorporate facility needs such as maintenance, improvements, and new development in the city’s Capital Improvement Plan (CIP).
Based on public input, make facility and programming improvements at The Rec at 7th Square.
Collaborate with other public and private partners to advance the West Monroe Sports Complex development near the Ike Hamilton Exposition Center.
Incorporate facility needs such as maintenance, improvements, and new development in the city’s CIP.
Identify recreational facilities and programming gaps throughout the city.
Solicit feedback from residents to determine new program offerings into the city’s parks and recreation system.
Collaborate with the Ouachita Parish Police Jury and West Ouachita Recreation District to determine potential locations for new recreational facilities, such as soccer, baseball, and football fields.
Collaborate with the Ouachita Parish Police Jury and West Ouachita Recreation District to promote local leagues to expand participation in youth sports.
Incorporate potential access points along the Ouachita River in the riverfront master plan, a component of Ouachita Parish’s Brownfields Revitalization Plan.
Ensure river access points are clearly marked and provide adequate safety precautions for consumers.
Collaborate with private landowners, specifically downtown businesses, to create multiple access points along the river.
Advance the development of riverfront park.
Collaborate with businesses in the outdoor recreation industry (ex. outfitters) to offer a broad range of water-based and river-adjacent activities on the Ouachita River.
Collaborate with downtown businesses and other key stakeholders to host regular events on and along the Ouachita River.
Continue implementation of the city’s Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan.
Upon completion of the first phase of the city’s Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan, establish priorities for the following phase(s) in accordance with the 2045 Metropolitan Transportation Plan.
Identify connectivity gaps from neighborhoods to recreational amenities, especially in more economically disadvantaged areas.