On an annual basis, continue to develop and revise a CIP to prepare for the construction, maintenance, and replacement of public infrastructure and facilities
Improve water, sewer, and drainage infrastructure throughout the city, including the following projects:
Update data in city’s water system model for use in fire rating analysis
Rehabilitate the sanitary sewer lift stations on Drago Street and Austin Street
Make improvements to the Black Bayou Canal (including cleaning, widening, and armoring portions of the canal south of I-20)
Improve drainage (including cross drains, piping, and ditches) at the industrial park
Enhance the city’s existing street overlay program
Implement the ADA Sidewalk Transition Plan
Complete the utility improvements as identified by the multicomponent Trenton Street Corridor Project, including:
Highland Park
Trenton Street Corridor
Downtown (as identified in the Downtown West Monroe Streetscape Master Plan)
Stella/Mill Gateway
Natchitoches Street
Coleman Corridor
Develop a broadband deployment and connectivity plan
In collaboration with Public Works and municipally-contracted civil engineers, continue to regularly assess all public infrastructure assets to determine existing conditions and specific deficiencies (if applicable).
Capture critical information about existing conditions of public infrastructure assets to provide the basis for capital planning, risk management, and operational budgeting.
In the city’s GIS platform, incorporate all anticipated public infrastructure projects (ex. water, sewer, drainage, road, sidewalks, bridge, broadband, etc.) based on priority and need.
Based on upcoming projects list, estimate total project budgets and timeline (including design, permitting/approvals, bidding, and construction).
Based on upcoming projects list, estimate total project budgets and timeline (including design, permitting/approvals, bidding, and construction).
Identify funding sources for each public infrastructure project.
Estimate the amount of municipal funding needed for each project (ex. local match) and incorporate estimated costs into the city’s annual budget.
Continue to advocate for federal and state funding for high priority projects.
Assess prior CIPs to determine shortcomings and/or long-term, multi-phased projects to include in the updated CIP.
Evaluate the city’s financial outlook for the next three to five years.
Engage the public to determine their priorities for public infrastructure improvements.
Based on prior CIPs, financial constraints, and public priorities, revise the city’s CIP with public infrastructure projects that are viable and align with the Citywide Master Plan.
Formally adopt the CIP each time it is revised.
When making decisions about public infrastructure projects, revisit the future vision map to ensure each proposed project is prioritized in accordance with anticipated development and growth.
Identify future sites for police, fire, and emergency services to serve areas with growing population centers and to ensure efficient and timely deployment of resources.
Advance public infrastructure projects that consider the impacts of climate change and promote equitable opportunity for all residents.
Conduct risk assessments for each public infrastructure project to analyze potential events that could negatively impact residents, businesses, municipal assets, and environment.
Carefully analyze land use and zoning, flood plain and hazard maps, and other relevant information to assess potential risks and help mitigate disasters from occurring as a result of public infrastructure project(s).
Review and comply with all applicable federal, state, and local regulations before advancing public infrastructure projects.
Incorporate municipal facilities, including parks, community centers, and public transit, into the CIP to plan and budget annually for public service offerings, regular maintenance, and rehabilitation of facilities.
Each year, evaluate the cost of public services and facilities to determine whether the municipal budget can adequately support these services financially.
Conduct regular surveys so residents can provide feedback regarding public service offerings.
Incorporate public feedback into the delivery of new and improved public services, within the parameters of the city’s annual budget.