Analyze the existing land use and zoning plan to identify areas needing further clarification from both a government and public perspective.
Create a revised land use and zoning plan containing unified zoning districts*.
*The boundaries of these districts must be clearly defined and permitted land uses within each district expanded upon.
In phases, implement the downtown and riverfront park master plans to revitalize the historic downtown area and add unique attractions.
Analyze existing public amenities (i.e. roads, sidewalks, lighting, plantings, parks, etc.) and identify strategic improvements to support the Cultural and Historic Districts.
Implement identified improvements from the previous Strategy 2.
Collaborate with appropriate organizations to organize new and existing public events to further promote the Cultural and Historic Districts.
Create a unified architectural theme throughout West Monroe that draws upon the Cultural and Historic Districts; encourage new development to follow this identified theme.
Identify opportunities of development and amenities needed in other areas of the city to support the Cultural and Historic Districts.
Work with appropriate organizations to create an action plan around the opportunities identified in the previous Strategy 2 to sustain an integrated system of development and amenities that support and expand upon activity occurring in the Cultural and Historic Districts.
Conduct an analysis of the existing pedestrian circulation routes in the city, being sure to identify any barriers that prevent pedestrian use, such as safety concerns.
Based on the existing circulation analysis, investigate missed connection opportunities to essential locations within the city and identify areas where a new pedestrian path would be feasible and beneficial.
As needed, continually update and revise the city’s Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan to address areas of concern (identified in Strategy 1) and the implementation of new pedestrian-centric routes (identified in Strategy 2).
Conduct an analysis of possible recreational opportunities along the Ouachita River, based on ideas discovered during past community visioning meetings.
Collaborate with appropriate organizations to implement and maintain desired water recreation activities.
Integrate the water recreation network with the pedestrian circulation network to create a fully integrated transportation system that emphasizes safety and connects residential neighborhoods to key locations within the city.
Conduct an analysis of existing parks and identify opportunities for improvements, including new park development.
Collaborate with appropriate organizations to create a Parks and Recreation master plan for the city, including public input and professional recommendations.
Identify strategic priorities within the Parks and Recreation master plan and collaborate with appropriate organizations to implement these projects throughout the city.