Chapter 5: housing & Neighborhoods

Guiding Principles

  • Offer diverse housing types for people of all socioeconomic backgrounds
  • Maintain design standards for quality residential development
  • Develop walkable neighborhoods with connectivity to public amenities
  • Ensure residential properties and neighborhoods are properly maintained
  • Proactively prepare for residential growth

Goals, Strategies & Objectives

Goal 1: West Monroe offers a variety of housing options for all people.

Goal 2: West Monroe neighborhood are safe, connected, and well maintained.

Goal 3: Housing development in West Monroe is consistent with its future vision map and accommodates residential growth.

Strategic Initiatives

  • Establish a home ownership program in the South Riverbend Cultural District and throughout other parts of the city
  • Leverage private funding to develop incentive program(s) that catalyze rehabilitation of residential structures within West Monroe’s two cultural districts  
  • Establish a Revolving Loan Fund (RLF) for new housing development and/or rehabilitation of existing units
  • Develop new residential area in Highland Park
  • Establish a land bank program to stimulate development throughout the city